Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hoodia Gordonii Diet - All You Need To Know About The Hoodia Cactus Plant & Diet By Karin Manning

The Hoodia Gordonii cactus extract has been widely publicized on the Today Show, 60 Minutes and other broadcast television programs. This article will explain the history of the Hoodia Gordonni plant, how the Hoodia weight loss diet works and where to find the most potent cactus plant products that really work.
The powerful properties of the cactus plant have been known by the bushmen of the Kalahari desert for centuries. In the 1990s the Council For Scientific And Industrial Research conducted a detailed research study on the many native plants and bush foods eaten regularly by the "Sans Bushmen".
What the CSIR soon found out was that the Hoodia cactus plant is not only not poisonous but it also contains some incredibly powerful properties to suppress the appetite and suppress the appetite. This study was found as a result of watching how animals reacted when eating the Hoodia cactus plant.
As a result of the substantial claims of rapid weight loss many Hoodia Gordonii diet products have ascended the marketplace to become one of the fastest selling and fasting growing weight loss products in an marketplace where billions is spent every year on weight loss products. Before deciding on a Hoodia product to aid with your weight loss it is vital to understandmore about the Hoodia cactus plant. Once the CSIR had been able to isolate the active ingredients in the Hoodia cactus plant that was responsible for appetite suppressing and increasing the body's ability to burn fat they called it p57. The CSIR then sold the rights to P57 to an English pharmaceutical organisation called Phytopharm.
It is somewhat surprising that there are such a number of Hoodia diet on the market when Phytopharm holds the licence to P57. While Phytopharm ultimately holds the licence to P57 there are other patent laws that come into play. Only the Phytopharm chemical company has the legal ability to extract the potent P57 molecule located in Hoodia Gordonii and use it in any and all of their Hoodia cactus plant product lines.
That being said the whole Hoodia Gordonii plant can never be patented. As a result of this other companies have the legal right to produce their own Hoodia weight loss supplements and products legally without holding the rights to P57. With such a range of products now available from the Hoodia plant it is absolutely pivotal that consumers don't fall for cheap, ineffective imitations and that they ensure that they only buy PURE South African cactus Hoodia Gordonii products for the fastest weight loss.

Source: Submit Articles at

About the Author:My hoodia weight loss review reveals the truth about Hoodia products and the truth may shock you. Read my Hoodia weight loss review now at

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Healthy Weight Loss Plans By Tom Cruz

One of the challenges of losing weight is developing a healthy weight loss plan. You need to balance realistic expectations about a weight loss plan with keeping your health up, and being aware of how your body functions.

Most people who are overweight are endormophic, and their body is programmed by genetics to accumulate fat reserves over substantial muscle mass to weather lean periods where there isn't much food. During the Ice Age, and as hunter-gatherers, this kind of body type as a definite plus for survival. Now, in a post-agricultural society, where food and survival are all but assured, the programming that leads to this body type causes a lot of health issues.

People who are overweight put more stress on their internal organs, their hearts, livers and kidneys. They are much more likely to develop joint and bone injuries due to overstressing their bodies, and they will be at higher risk for cardiovascular disease, so the benefits of a healthy weight loss plan are immense.

The first thing to do when making a healthy weight loss plan is to incorporate exercise into it. While no amount of exercise will turn John Goodman into Arnold Schwarzenegger, or do the same for you, exercise is one of the two triggers you need to make a good weight loss program work. Your body expects you to do physical work– try to work up to three or four forty minute intense workouts per week, with light cardio workouts on the other days.

Once you've habituated your body to doing regular exercise, by walking, by lifting weights, or by playing something that gets you breathless, it's time to look at adjusting your diet to match. First, it's always better to increase your activity levels at the same time you reduce your caloric intake levels. You're trying to convince your body that you live in a time and place where game and food are plentiful, but that you have to work to get at it- this is the set of circumstances your body is built for.

When reducing your caloric intake, it's important to NOT neglect the taste of the food. If you get bored with the meals, you'll drop the diet. If the meals don't satisfy you, you'll feel you're depriving yourself, and you'll break the diet. Low calorie meals need to be very satisfying in taste and texture to do you any good.

Focus on meals that are high in dietary fiber, high in protein, and lower in carbohydrates. Your body is conditioned to want carbohydrates, particularly sugar, because they're the kinds of foods that give a quick burst of energy in emergencies. Your hindbrain is still watching out for predators, and it wants to make sure that there's plenty of energy available for when a leopard drops out of the suspended ceiling into your office cubical…so it gives you a craving for sweets.

The problem with this craving for carbohydrates is that your body will burn them in preference to burning fat, and will convert excess carbohydrates into fats, on the principal of storing food for leaner times in the future. So, moderate your carbs while you get lots of exercise…and keep an eye out for leopards in the suspended ceiling at work. Just in case.

A healthy weight loss program that works is the
diet.To find out more about this unique program visit Quick Effective Diet at []

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